Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A few favorite quotes! :)

I have a composition book that I am working on filling with quotes, and it's going to take a lot longer than I thought. I don't know why I felt the need to write that, but oh well. I have a few that I have put squares around, marking that they are either quotes that I would like to live by, quotes that show how I am feeling, or favorites of mine. I'll post a few of them! :)

"We're all just hoping our fragile hearts will survive everything life throws at them." -Tracie Damien

"Those three words, they're said too much, they're not enough." -Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars.

"Just know these things will never change for us at all." -Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars.

"I'm tied together with a smile, but it's coming undone." -Taylor Swift, Tied Together With A Smile.

"When the show's over, it's over, and you've just got to let it go." -Tracie Damien

"I tried to be perfect, it just wasn't worth it, nothing could ever be so wrong." -Sum 41, Pieces.

"It's funny how we feel so much, but don't say a word; we're screaming on the inside but can't be heard." -Tracie Damien

"She didn't want that night to end, because for the first time, she wasn't faking a smile." -Cynthia Nyx

"Sometimes I have to stop myself, remember that I'm only a teenager, and that this is only going to be a foolish memory someday." -Cynthia Nyx.

"Crying is not a sign of weakness, it shows that you have been too strong for too long." -Cynthia Nyx

"Sometimes the strongest of people are the ones who cry themselves to sleep at night." -Tracie Damien

"Silence scares me more than fighting. When it's silent, it's all said and done, and it's time to move on. When you're fighting, there's still a glimmer of hope that everything will turn out okay." -Unknown.

"Some days all you can do is sit back, watch the freak show, and laugh." -Unknown.

Amanda ♥

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