Sunday, June 12, 2011

Love ♥






"I don't know why, but I can't take me eyes off of you." -Lifehouse, You and Me

Amanda ♥

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lots of pictures, and a few quotes!



Does this remind anyone else of The Last Song? (Hands down favorite book and movie. I've read the book 14 times and seen the movie 29.)



♥ ♥ ♥



How can anyone NOT fall in love with this baby?! Oh my goodness, it's so precious!



I LOVE this one. Oh my gosh, I'm obsessed.


"I've never felt this way before, everything that I do reminds me of you." -Avril Lavinge, When You're Gone

"This place is so empty, my thoughts are so tempting, I don't know how it got so bad." -Sum 41, Pieces.

"Tears are a replacement of the words we're too scared to say." -Cynthia Nyx.

Thursday, June 9, 2011



This is just so simple, which is my favorite kind of photography. I don't think that anyone would really look at a coffee cup and see a great picture opportunity, so when someone does, it's stunning!


♥ ♥ ♥

Oh I find this so amazing. I don't know how this was made, but it is so pretty to me!



You can pretty much say that I am in love with all five of these.

"We had too much time, too much us, so we fought like tomorrow was promised." -All Time Low, Too Much.

"Clinging to the remnants of perfection like most do after they break it." -Relient K, Curl Up and Die.

"When love it not madness, it is not love." -Pedro Calderon.

"I still love you more than anyone else could." -Snow Patrol, Make This Go On Forever.

I had a pretty rough day... my most recent ex boyfriend who I am still in love with has moved on, but not by himself, he had the help of some girl. The problem is, she's pretty, completely his type, and you can already tell they're beginning to fall in love. Life can be so shitty sometimes.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A few favorite quotes! :)

I have a composition book that I am working on filling with quotes, and it's going to take a lot longer than I thought. I don't know why I felt the need to write that, but oh well. I have a few that I have put squares around, marking that they are either quotes that I would like to live by, quotes that show how I am feeling, or favorites of mine. I'll post a few of them! :)

"We're all just hoping our fragile hearts will survive everything life throws at them." -Tracie Damien

"Those three words, they're said too much, they're not enough." -Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars.

"Just know these things will never change for us at all." -Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars.

"I'm tied together with a smile, but it's coming undone." -Taylor Swift, Tied Together With A Smile.

"When the show's over, it's over, and you've just got to let it go." -Tracie Damien

"I tried to be perfect, it just wasn't worth it, nothing could ever be so wrong." -Sum 41, Pieces.

"It's funny how we feel so much, but don't say a word; we're screaming on the inside but can't be heard." -Tracie Damien

"She didn't want that night to end, because for the first time, she wasn't faking a smile." -Cynthia Nyx

"Sometimes I have to stop myself, remember that I'm only a teenager, and that this is only going to be a foolish memory someday." -Cynthia Nyx.

"Crying is not a sign of weakness, it shows that you have been too strong for too long." -Cynthia Nyx

"Sometimes the strongest of people are the ones who cry themselves to sleep at night." -Tracie Damien

"Silence scares me more than fighting. When it's silent, it's all said and done, and it's time to move on. When you're fighting, there's still a glimmer of hope that everything will turn out okay." -Unknown.

"Some days all you can do is sit back, watch the freak show, and laugh." -Unknown.

Amanda ♥

Summer! ♥


I have stumbled upon this picture so many times before, and I think I like it a little more each time I look at it! It screams summer to me, which is what I live for. ♥